Pharmacology is immensely broad and covers large areas of physiology, biochemistry and toxicology which are concerned with the effects of chemicals on living organisms. It is a fast developing science. Object of pharmacology is mainly to provide such scientific data from which any one can choose a drug treatment for proven efficacy and safety. Much of the recent progress in the application of drugs to disease problems can be ascribed to the pharmaceutical industry and specifically to big pharma, the multibillion-dollar corporations that specialize in drug discovery and development. These entities deserve great credit for making possible many of the therapeutic advances that we enjoy today. These companies are uniquely skilled in exploiting discoveries from academic and governmental laboratories and translating these basic findings into commercially successful therapeutic chronicles. Such chronicles come at a price and the escalating cost of drugs has become a significant contributor to the inflationary increase in the cost of health care. Pharmacology field is growing not only in popularity but in career openings as well. Jobs in pharmacology are growing and expanding in almost all areas of the country. Today, there are many options for those pursuing a pharmacology degree including pharmacy technician, public relations officers, researchers, teaching, R & D, CROs and many more. Therefore, in present informative article, we have compiled and enlisted some major timelines in pharmacology, which will helpful to uplifting the knowledge of all persons relates to pharmaceutical, medical, chemical, life and basic sciences etc.